This session consisted of a series of 5-minute presentations of projects. The time limit forced the participants to distill each project to its essence. Great session; I was able to glean a few kernals I might have missed had these been full-length sessions.
Incorporating ICT into a New Vision for Caribbean Libraries. Delivers library and information support for education for the libraries in West Indies. Grace traveled around the West Indies to study how technology is being used... She found that libraries were eager for dialogue. UWI Initiative. MEDCARIB and CARDIN. Already have good videoconferencing in place. Vision: increased use for OSS. Can LITA help? Visit the West Indies during the winter...
Using Delicious to Select Medical Resources.
Sakai. Wanted to include more multimedia in LMS. Host Defense/most significant aspect. Recipient choses own point of entry bundles. Decided to use Delicious... easy to share. Faceting with tags. 2 other modules have been added. emerging workflow: split searching and organization. Recipient involvement varies. Known issues... sharing passwords is bad. for:username is too limited-- Tags are stripped when sending Urls. Faceting is flawed.
Help system based on Solr.
Discovery tool for digital collection. Service oriented architecture. OSS. XML/HTTP. Users need to search help. Nontechie staff members needed to update, add and delete pages easily. Using tools to support tools. They developed schema and webforms for editing pages. User can search using keywords. Solr doc returns as xml, which is converted to html.
RFID self checkout user interface redesign. Started in June 2008. 6 steps in all. Problems: busy interface; text cues small and lots of it; distracting animations; patrons walked away without printing reciepts, which hung their record. After... larger clear text. Only 3 steps. No animations. Voice prompts. Clear and concise. 10% increase in adult self check... 30% in children's self check.
Endeca project at triangle research libraries network. Catalog allows search across combined collections (11 million). Circ updated every 30 minutes. Cataloging updated daily. Facets. Syndetics. RSS. Indexing on nightly basis. Indexes tables of contents. Integrated Google book search. Interfaces with Illiad. Future: search and relevance rank tuning, adding new indexes, shopping cart, nonMarc data. [syndetics can provide xml for indexing TOC]
Handheld Project Scope. PennState. iPhone lust. Wrote a grant for using iphones in academic settings. Libraries using them for roving reference. Testing done by IT and librarians. 6 use cases developed. 3 roving reference; faculty liaison activity. how different products display on handhelds. Mapped use
cases to requirements. Mapped requirements to mobile devices. Tested with 4 devices. Found holes in their wireless, but no clear winner among devices.
Unmanned technology projects. Big plans, big user expectations. Consortial pressure, but limited staff. There was a lack of coordination, resulting in frustration for the small staff. The solution was a library technology work group, made up of key players in key projects. Mixed group of techies and nontechies. Meets monthly. Uses a wiki to set up timeline. There is a page for every project. Meeting minutes are posted, and what's new. All stafff can read that wiki. These seemingly minor changes work great and had unforseen positives. They've created another wiki specificly for documentation; training will happen at a mini-conference.
Texting at the reference desk. Implementing an sms reference for mobile patrons. Single service desk. SMS is a growing communications medium. Phone number can be added to contacts more easily. Upside wireless. Pros: local phone number; integrated with reference email; familiar technology. The service is somewhat expensive. Started with a soft rollout in late spring to be followed with a harder rollout in the fall. They've seen a huge spike in usage in the fall. [On the road? Have a question? SMS the library] New model: AIM hack. Ten years and growing. Cooperative project for local history digitization. Uses oclc contentDM platform. (Time.)
Questions from the floor.
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