Sitting in the Hall of Mirrors. Wondderful art deco design!
Tim Spaulding: What is "social cataloging" and where is it going?
Prototype theory... emergent...
LibraryThing is now larger than LOC.
good reads, shelfari, visual booksshelf. citeulike... YouTube bookreviews.. bibliocommons
Social cataloging explores social-ization; explores digitization; has no physical space; not commercial.
Have you read World War Z?
Philosophy of reviews in LibraryThing... finding out what people think about the books in your library.
Implicit social catalog: social cataloging can rehumanize the library catalog.
Another book: Everything is Miscellaneous.
Spaulding suggests that we shouldn't be focusing on games in libraries-- the most important thing in the library is the catalog, and we're not doing it well.
Check out LibraryThing's facebook app.
Social Cataloging is:
about the catalog
about what you can do right now
about passion -- raw bookloving passion (use for political funding)
about giving, not taking
Although I'm adding books to my LibraryThing, I haven't really had time to play with it lately. It was very exciting to see its evolution. Spaulding made some excellent points about libraries and their catalogs. I think it's fascinating to see how the "common people" tag their books. Is it good to have a shared taxonomy? Yes, I think so. We don't need to be so quick to throw away LCSH. There is a world of enrichment that folksonomies can bring to the catalog, and we would be wise to include it.
Peer book reviews also add value to the user experience. How much trust can we put in the typical professional review? Do professionals really say bad things about books? I know I look at peer reviews in LibraryThing and in Amazon.
Spaulding encouraged us to look at the LibraryThing widgets and api's. In SC, Richland County Public Library has integrated LibraryThing for Libraries into their Horizon OPAC. It truly adds value to that OPAC.
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