Friday, November 02, 2007

LIS Professionals for 2020

Dr. Samantha Hastings:
Hot new technologies
Iris scanning
ThinSight: prototype that allows you to feel what's on the screen, 3-D. applications for blind and children.
Robots as librarians. Already a reality in a French library
Universal communicators. You don't have to be tied to any physical location to get what you need.
Quantum computers. process 1TB in <30 sec. Implicatons for tagging.
3-D images projected from a computer. Changes the way we store information.
Nanotechnology. Buckyball. Multi-sided carbon piece that bounces. Imprint whole libraries on a Buckyball and send it wherever we choose.

Dr. Jinmook Kim:
Past, Present, Future
"If you want a future, darling, why don't you get a past?" (Cole Porter)
20th Century. 19050-70: working with automation
1967 MARC
*1981 IBM PC
*Online catalogs
*1991 WWW
Client /server systems
1995 National digital library program
2000 MARC21, Dublin Core

1. Efficiency of internal operation
2. Access to local library services 80s
3. Access to resources outside the library 90s
4. Interoperability of information systems 21st century
5. ?

Advances in tech: Storage devices (nanotech). Ubiquitous computing. Web2.0...
Managing dynamic content in various formats: text, audio, video, image. Personalized, customized information
From ownership to access: e.g. types of media, file formats
Interoperability: new metadata standards for digital content(e.g. Dublin Core, MARC21, MARCXML). Protocols for data exchange (OAI, OAI-PMH)
Interactivity & personalization/customiziation: Web2.0

Interactive, collaborative portable IR systems
? Would people read, listen or view info from computer screens, instead of paper or traditional audio or video playing devices?

Shawn Carraway
Patrons in 2020 in Wireless Comm...
Who are they now? Millenials. Born between 85 and 95. For them, there have always been home computers; an Internet; wireless yet always connected. Library catalogs have always been automated, databases, the best centers for computer tech and access to good software.
Beloit College Mindset List
Who will they be in 2020
They won't need a computer -- everything will be connected. Location aware mobile devices will be ubiquitous. Everything will be personalized and everything will be mixed. Richard McManus at Read/Write Web. This age group is not "passive"; watching TV is passive. Like interactivity
What will they want from us?
A fast "everything, anywhere" search. Transparent access to that information. (Copyright will be a big issue in the next 10 years.) AI searching - whatever is happening around you, the library is there-- articles, information, book recommendations. Integration of resources into existing search engines.
Shawn doesn't use books in class; requires them to use online

Dr. Jeff Naidoo
The Right Brain of Librarianship Creative Connections and Innovation. (Techno feely)
A Whole New Mind, by Dan Pink
Right Brain vs Left Brain. Two different hemispheres; two different ways of thinking.

How Dominant is your Right Brain? (I appear to be right brained)
Automation. John Henry. Computers can nearly beat Gasparion (chess player sp?). Will Lawyers survive?
Our left brain has made us rich. Our lives are shaped by abundance. The information age has produced abundance, but has also changed aesthetics, etc. The conceptual age is built on the right brain. High concept, high touch. The ability to detect patterns and opportunities to come up with inventions the world didn't know it was missing. Tocu the capacity to empathize to understand the subtleties of human interaction to find joy in one's self to elicit in others. To stretch beyond what we know.

Librarianship in 2020... We have to move from a traditional left-brain approach to one that is more right-brained oriented. We need to employ more creativity to keep us relevant and meet the needs of a "web-raised" user population. Libraries need to demonstrate we can offer value enhanced services.

Random, creative, intuitive, etc... (University of Rochester - used students to design library space)
Innovation and Creativity Tips:
Get Rid of the Fear of Failure.
Listen Outside of Libraries
Cross the Generations
Follow Well
Seek Experiences
Blog Both Ways (learn and teach at the same time)
Try Something new Every Day
Lead and Share
Don't just criticize
Stay Positive
Have a Vision
Work for the customer in. Really put the customer first.

And what about our attitudes?
Our communities will demand that we stay relevant. If we don't provide it, someone else will.
Preparation, intuition, play, radiate, vision, disparity, question, flow, flexibility, patterns, values, trust, belief in yourself
Dr. Sam: No one assumed that libraries are challenged or will go away.
What about the library mission to preserve the past? How does this affect that mission, or does it?
DanceDance Revolution: West VA just adopted it as a solution for obesity in the schools.
Dr. Jimnook: Libraries will continue to provide content. Good content. Validated, authenticated content

Slides from this presentation will be available on the USC-SLIS website.

?Software that allows the use of multiple mice on one PC for collaborative working?

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